The Fourth Industrial Revolution — Three Tectonic Changes Accelerating A New Future

Imagine a world in the not too distant future. A world powered mostly by renewable energy and flooded with devices that know your preferences intimately. A world where ownership of consumer products and goods is based on necessity and not on materialism. Where products are cherished and used for longer periods of time because the more you used them, the better they get. Faulty products are easily repaired, and new parts enhance existing functionality or provide new capability. All of the above is very possible.

There are three tectonic changes taking place in the world today that are accelerating us towards this future:

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Nurturing Innovation Is Fucking Hard


“Should I be doing this?”, I asked my manager one day. It was a time when our work was taking too long to deliver. I was unsure of the decisions we were taking and unsure of its overall value to the business. “You tell me”, he replied honestly.

That one encounter has shaped my understanding of Innovation in the modern workplace. Nurturing innovation or even innovating is fucking hard. A lot of us—me included—have been focused on instant gratification. Our phones going off in the ever-increasing continuum of notifications and dopamine induced micro-doses of gratification, we are forever trapped in the search for the easiest release to live in the moment. The modern workplace too is based on improving annual turnover. Employees are taught to achieve their annual targets and KPIs. Innovation on the other hand, lives in a very different time and place.
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