There has been a long long lay-off to this blog. Sorry about that, I was EXTREMELY busy with work. So what is happening in my life you ask? Quite a lot actually. I have now managed to write better articles, they just seem to flow these days. The comp i got from Hu works for 2 days in a week so that keeps me mostly occupied. I also activated GPRS on the phone, so that I can connect to the net when the comp is working (sorry for the sarcasm). Apart from that nothing much.
On the personal front, there is quite a lot happening. When the net works at home, I am predominantly chatting with everyone and when it doesn’t (or even otherwise) I am talking to Kh on the phone and other friends who call occasionally. Life is no more as depressing as it seems, it is just much more tangled and “weird”.
I think Hu has gone through a radical change with regards to his attitude towards me. He no longer wants to be around me and no longer do we go out on those long rides and have those frank discussions that we used to have. I wonder what has ticked him into being that way! I will have a frank discussion with him this weekend.
I want to come to Bangalore. I know, I know, i have been saying this since the time I reached here! It’s been almost 4 months now and it seems like the heights of procrastination. I don’t see the home-coming happening this month, so I will have to push it for the next. Running low on finances because I am saving up for the phone. I want to buy the N73 and by the looks of it, the price isn’t going down as drastically as I had hoped. I want to be able to get it for 15,000 but I don’t see that happening anytime in the near future.
I need to start fixing the “dinner” thing. I still keep eating rubbish and I shudder to think what effects it will have on the body in the later part of my life. To counter-balance this, I have started gyming. At least some sort of physical activity done in the day! Not good to just keep pounding your fingers on the keyboard the whole day. I can now see the outlines of my muscles taking shape and it’s a very exhilarating feeling. I never really believed I had muscles before – not really the “live healthy” types. Apart from that I also need to start learning how to type without looking at the keyboard.
Its Pill’s birthday today and I wished him as soon as my PIM reminded me of it (sigh, my dependence on technology has reached new levels). I was glad to speak to him after so long and even more glad to notice that he was sober and woke up early in the morning. Quite a revelation for me. The poor chap is going through a tough phase right now and I would do anything to help him. Only if he let me…
Waiting for the Harry Potter book to release… I hope I get my hands on it soon… I can’t wait! Today I have been on a total downloading spree and have got my hands on most of the top songs out there and a few movies I’d like to watch at home. Lets pray that the Mr. Computer is in the good mood.
Nothing else, life keeps chugging along as usual…