The Phoney Story! – Part 2

You know what they say about God and ‘chappar phad ke dena’ and I guess it was my turn yesterday. I wrote about how sad the N73 had turned out to be and how I was going to do a firmware upgrade to fix all of that. The good part about the it was that I finally got around to doing it yesterday. The bad part? It bricked my phone. Can u believe it? The update stalled after 19% and wouldn’t budge even after 2 hours. Why did I keep it on for that long? The window mentioned in red that I shouldn’t unplug the wire under ANY circumstances. After hours of staring at the same window, I became bold enough to accept that the warning was completely baseless and nothing would go wrong and proceeded to unplug the cable, wondering what went wrong. If I had the power of hindsight, I’d never have done that cuz now, the phone was completely bricked.

Left office in the afternoon to get it fixed and bought back my k750i from the person I had sold it to (insert mass hysteria here). The Nokia Service Centre lady told me it may take from one to eight days to get the phone fixed. She also more or less told me not to call em up asking for the phone and that they will call me when its done.

Got back home, only to realise that not all the contacts were backed up from my N73. So now, I’ve been asking for people’s contact numbers individually. Since I’ve started using the k750i, I’m re-experiencing the joy of using a SE. The phone is responsive, works well and syncs beautifully with the computer using MyPhoneExplorer. What’s more is that I imported my entire Google Calender into the phone without a hitch! Just brilliant!

Spoke to bro after really long. Was surprised that he called after so long! But its always nice to speak to him. I guess I was in the ‘be rude’ mode and pissed him a tad too much.

Netra invited me to the IndiBlogger’s meet on Sunday and I hate to admit it but I might not be able to go there. We have a family outing but IF and just IF it gets conked, I’ll be there.. for sure.. especially after the VERY engaging conversation with Melody 🙂

j j j

Tangled Thoughts

Going from having your hands-full-with-work to being jobless can be quite a contrast. One day you are wishing you had nothing to do and the very next day you end up regretting that wish.

Quite a lot of good has come out of the last few days. I met up with Shruthi yesterday and she has become less talkative but fun nevertheless. We ate in some hotel and discussed about the answer to life, the universe and everything (yes, I know… horrible attempt at being wise). Later on, I met up with Monty who hasn’t changed one bit in these months. Still keeps talking loudly like a motor-mouth. Still is the only one laughing at those bad jokes!

Its rained today and my quilt is out again… this feels sooo good. Gonna meet a few more people today and then some more on Sunday. The bad part about it is that I will have to traverse the dug-up roads – something that I am not exactly looking forward to.

Sticking to the roads topic – Zulfi has been dropping too many hints that he wants a new bike. I can also see that he was not really happy with me getting a lot of attention at home. So I have decided to stay low. His time will come, I know it will… its just disappointing to see him act this way. Personally, I don’t think there is anything wrong with his bike, but having said that, I may be wrong because I have used it only for a day. He will get a new bike soon, I just don’t understand why he has to be so pushy about it. Its not like the bike is a total wreck. But chuck it, the new bike shall come. I cant say ‘no’ to him for too long. So I guess that a lot of stuff that I had been planning for myself will take a back seat, but I can live with it. I just don’t want him to contend with the things that I have had to, but lets not go there again.

Nothing else to write about… I just hope that Zufs doesn’t read this before Monday.


j j j