Never Make Your Customer Feel Like a Fool

It is high time businesses realise that their consumers are not dumb. With Facebook, Twitter and the emergence of the global real-time thought consciousness, it is wiser as a business to be honest, forthright and upfront about your business than before.

It is better to be praised and generate goodwill – which will help in the long run, than bait & switch your customers.


I wish had been more honest about not having active operations in India just yet. I wish they had requested me for my info, so they could inform me when they started, here in India – I would have given them my info, like I have done so many times before with other companies.

Alas, they did none of that. All i got was the classic bait and switch. I wont be shopping with them anymore.

They may have gained my contact info, but they have lost a customer.

Never make your customer feel like a fool.

j j j

Facebook buys Rediff’s DealsHoJaye. This. Changes. Everything!!

…the above headline isn’t true, but I wrote it only to illustrate the crazy levels of fanboy-ism associated with the technology space today. This is going to be a rant, you have been warned.

Over the last few months, I have noticed that people go absolutely bonkers over some silly and frankly sometimes non-relevant news from the technology space.


See this tweet on my left? I wont tell you whom it was from but the person who wrote it is very well followed on Twitter. I still don’t understand why a business deal between Nokia and Microsoft is SUCH A BIG DEAL! The companies were into making phones and operating systems – nothing will change. Nor will it be game changing. Besides, 3 months down the line, we all know that nothing spectacular seems to have happened here.

Let me give you another example, imagethe person who wrote the tweet on the right runs a very popular blog for entrepreneurs. When I saw it, I thought was – What. The. Fuck. Some stupid tit-for-tat war of words between 2 companies is what you live for?

I fear that we have become a bunch of retards – we, the children of the Internet. We even spend our weekends looking at twitter timelines, and then regret our lives not being interesting.

Its been 3 months now, I have made a conscious decision to switch off from all the technology; to give it less importance in my life. I have become a more private person and I would rather meet you in a coffee shop than chat with you online. I have aimlessly walked the roads around my house and I have noticed so many things I didn’t know existed! There is actually a world out there and there are interesting people to meet and talk to who are way better than interacting with a 3-yr old profile picture.

I am hoping to find balance.

j j j