Wow, it’s been a weird day today. Shot over the word count for an article (which I never do to be honest :p), been chatting wid mom and friends since morning and now with Hu and yet there is this strange feeling of emptiness. Like as if you have done nothing at all. Got the balcony cleaned today. Pigeon menace was at its zenith and the place was stinking so much that the neighbours were complaining, not too good when you are a bachelor. Now everything is spick and span. I read somewhere that if you spread salt in you balcony, the birds won’t come. Unfortunately, I don’t think the birds in my building have read that. As soon as I had downed half a packet of salt on the balcony and left, the birds were back there again, am sure I heard one of them say, “about time he got this place cleaned for us!” At that moment, I just shrugged my shoulders and deducting 120 bucks from my budget for ‘annual balcony cleaning expenses’.
There are two pizza places next to my house, one is the famous Dominos Pizza and the other is the not-so-famous Smoking Pizza, a cheap imitation of the Smokin’ Pizza franchise. I have eaten in Dominos once (and shocked outta my wits when the bill came, never to return there again) but I’ve never eaten in Smoking Pizza. So there I was, at 9 PM ordering for the cheapest non-veg pizza on the menu – the chicken cheese 7″ pizza. It sounded mouth watering all right, but as soon as I had the first bite, I knew it was slightly burnt. Nevertheless, I ate it anyways, cuz I didn’t have the heart to scream at the (evidently new) employee behind the counter. After paying 90 bucks for the crap, I decided to put an end to the expenses that night.
Finished watching Season 3 of the Wonder Years last night. Am sooo addicted to it 🙂 The saga is apparently 7 seasons long but there are not enough seeders from season 5 onwards, hoping that I get it all by the time am through Season 4.
Going to my uncle’s place today in Marol, it’s my cousin’s birthday and I’ve been wondering what to get him. I think chocolates will have to do again this time.
Another revelation struck me some months back that I haven’t shared with you guys. For me, this year’s diwali stopped being about crackers and sweets. It started being about memories. At first, I was sad and disappointed. Then I realised that the memories were a way to hold on to the things that I love, the things you are, the things you never wish to loose and I learnt from a certain someone that in a world that changes too fast, the best we can do is wish each other “Happy Diwali”…. and good luck!
So, on that cheerful note… Ta!