Daily Muse

The weekend was fun… i had a good time and i shall spare you the details. Dad was in town so caught up with him.

What am really excited aboiut today is that Google is rumoured to announce its gPhone in a few hours and the rumour mill has it that Airtel is also in its group of carriers which will support the gPhone… I cant hardly wait! I hope to come back tomorrow and have my RSS reader filled with posts about the gPhone announcement!

Apart from that, today has been an ok-ok day. Have spent most of the day searching for an entertainment web site and havent got anything yet. Apart from that, been chatting with a whole lot of people. Caught Rama Maam online today and chatted with her for like half hour! It felt good!

Got work to do, so i shall shoo (yeah yeah.. bad ending, i know!)

j j j

Monday morning update!

It’s been a good few days… The weekend was good according to me, barring the bike crash. Nothing serious. Just bruised all over and feeling very stiff that’s all. Nothing to worry about. I thought the bike was a wreck and would cost a fortune to repair but luckily that was sorted in 300 bucks!! That’s why I love Bombay so much. Everything is so cheap over here. I am sure the same repair work in Bangalore would have cost me a grand at least.
Had gone to some audio/video expo yesterday! BORING… zzzzz… But I did find a few colleagues there which was kind of surprising. I guess geeks are attracted to the same places. Lol.

Had dinner at Leopold Café with cousins. I LOVE the ambience there (I think I mentioned it earlier) and since I was in such a benevolent mood, I offered to foot the bill too… very uncharacteristic for me 🙂

This week shall be very interesting. Have to come up with some pretty cool ideas for the Dec issue and have to wear my thinking cap all the time.

The office is shifting to a new building, further away from Bombay, in some remote place called Belapur. I feel like a villager, working for India’s best technology magazine. I have no TV, no Internet, no fridge even at home! Therefore, I plan to make amends. I shall be moving residence by possibly next month to Belapur. Have already identified a place and spoken with the guy. He is actually a colleague who owns a bungalow. The main attractions are the walking distance to the new office, TV, fridge AND AC! W00t!

Parents coming to town next weekend and am looking forward to it.

Gotta get back to work! Cya ppl!

j j j