Of late, I’ve been reading up a lot on girl gamers. Why don’t many girls game? What is it that interests the ones that do? How they react to the attention they get. One thing is for sure, the world over; girl gamers are respected amongst the gaming community, why? I have no idea… Even if you sucked, if you are a girl who plays CS or DOTA or Quake – you are kinda a celebrity of some magnitude. I want to be able to do a story on girl gamers… How they react to such attention and if they are treated fairly in a game (or do they ask for handicaps, just cuz they are the fairer gender).
I installed Photoshop yesterday cuz I was so bored and jobless. I wanted to make new wallpapers too. What wallpapers do I make best you ask? Being the self-centred egoistic jerk that I am, I make wallpapers with my name on it 😀 So without further ado, enter wallpaper, stage left:
On a different note, went to mamu’s place yesterday. Picked up a walls black-forest sundae on the way for everyone, it’s not nice to go empty handed. Especially when it’s your youngest cousin’s birthday and you haven’t got him a present. So there I was, devouring the ice-cream like I had never had one in my life, I think am getting a bit old at this too cuz my cousins – aged 11 and 8 – were beating me to it comfortably. Bakri Eid came and went without a whimper. Apart from calling everyone individually and wishing them, I didn’t even feel like there was anything special. Being a Muslim in India sucks! I have more fun during Diwali and Holi than I do during Eid or any other ‘Muslim’ festival. Or maybe its cuz I don’t have many ‘bori’ friends – wait a minute, on hindsight, maybe it’s a good thing :p
Going to Hu’s place this weekend. I hope it’s not so boring this time. I’ve had too much fun over the last 2 weekends. Will try to meet up Ku and Shru (nice rhyming names eh?) on Sunday. I hope those workaholics are not working again. Wanna check out the InOrbit mall near their place (which is on the other side of Bombay from where my Hu stays!). So there IS some spark of adventure in this weekend. We’ll see…
Oh… Shruthi reached 100 blog posts yesterday, so congrats and all tht jazz to her. When she first started her blog with posting (i think) all the forwarded e-mail she got, I quickly stoped visiting her space. Bad enough you get so much junk in your inbox already – I didn’t want to read it all over again! But now, I like to read what she writes everyday. Kinda interesting, in a way.
Buh byeee…