The other day, out of sheer bordem, i searched for my school on orkut and joined it.. god, now am in touch wid most of my classmates.. kinda surprised to see everyone so grown-up but thats the fun of it all
. Feels so good to be in touch with everyone finally !! Am thrilled

On a different dimension, work is getting pretty stressing.. the final deadline for documention is approaching and i find myself working for 13-14 hrs everyday in the office.. Am on schedule and stuff but its better to go thru everything at every given oppurtunity (yeah, am paranoid). My fellow trainers have been very supportive and we have jelled like crazy during this exercise.. New lingos have been invented and most of the time others in the office cant comprehend what we are saying.. lol.. thts the funny part..
The bike is great.. did the 1st service yesterday and its really smooth now.. dont have any more probs with the gears and everything !!! Commuting everyday is a breeze now..
Nothing else happening right now.. Just catching up with old friends as of now.. cya ppl !!!