- 10:24 @bombayaddict.. lets have the drive this sunday? #
- 10:53 @shahpriya : grrr… OK.. saturday it is then.. #
- 10:56 @shahpriya : yeah yeah.. do the honours! I dont have a car, I can bring a bike along.. decide on time.. around 10:30 – 11ish #
- 10:58 @Kirti : lol.. these can get hilarious sometimes! #
- 11:13 @shahpriya : sigh.. if you insist *Hip Hopper* #
- 11:24 @bombayaddict: Worli? Where the SeaLink is being built? #
- 11:49 @bombayaddict : right.. am definately in! #
- 12:01 @preshit : dang, u whizzkid! #
- 12:43 @shahpriya @bombayaddict : hahahaha… tht was a classic! and I guess i’ll be using the most low-tech cam there.. my not-so trusty N73.. #
- 12:47 @shadyrocker : why take me down the torture road? i paid 16.5k for it.. 🙁 #
- 12:48 @bombayaddict: u kidding right.. the friggin thing is slow as hell.. am planning to sell the thing and go back to my trusty k750.. SE FTW!!! #
- 12:51 @thedrundsanta : 🙂 #
- 12:55 Downloading stuff in IE8 seems to be faster than in IE7… i wish I cold do a dual install on the comp to really test this out! #
- 13:04 Why do Indian tech Web sites suffer from such poor English? Btw, it’s a cardinal sin to use the US style sheet… Realise (not realize) … #
- 13:08 @brajeshwar: I don’t think so, if you look at all the major newspapers and magazines in India, they use the UK style sheet #
- 13:11 @brajeshwar: Moreover, we follow the British education system. If you look at the English-In.. contd #
- 13:11 @brajeshwar: language option in Word, that follows the UK style sheet too! #
- 13:13 @Kirti : Concur. #
- 13:29 @bhas : yeah.. guess so.. #
- 13:30 @aalaap : any idea if they operate in mallad? 😀 #
- 13:33 @Kirti : brilliantly put *tips hat* #
- 13:44 @bombayaddict: wait a min.. the photowalking is getting postponed to next sunday? #
- 13:59 @bombayaddict : har har.. am the jobless one… remember? #
- 14:08 My first Social experiment –> tinyurl.com/2zueqt #
- 14:12 Lunch Time!!! #
- 15:17 So much for the croud-sourcing experience… :-\ Maybe I’m doing it wrongly.. #
- 15:19 @baxiabhishek: Kannada – Namaskara Bangaloorigalu.. (could have written that in Kannada, but I didnt think u’d get it) #
- 15:27 @kirti : no problemo.. no offence taken 🙂 #
- 15:29 @baxiabhishek: you look impatient in the video :p #
- 15:31 @baxiabhishek : Ah! all in a days work, eh! #
- 16:43 So much F1 noise on twitter today! Now I know how it feels for non-cricket following ppl. @adrena, now I know 🙂 #
- 16:51 @aalaap: dang! #
- 17:02 @shadyrocker : WOW.. you are the ‘Monk who gave away his PSP’ !!! #
- 17:11 @shadyrocker : since you are practicing renounciation, please declare all your other assets (no pun intended) :p #
- 17:21 @shadyrocker : i’ll take the tech assets only, kthnxbye! #
- 17:32 @shadyrocker : i’ll take the mousey.. #
- 17:33 @bombayaddict : all the best mate! #
- 18:21 @bombayaddict : aww man! The same happened to me.. I dont think we are destined for WiMax #
- 18:22 Still at work.. today seems like it’ll be a long day! #