- 00:16 Still at work.. #
- 00:18 Sleep can be kept at bay when you have a huge widescreen LCD in front of you 😀 #
- 00:19 @preshit : i know man.. data migration is a phucking bitch! #
- 00:22 @preshit : on the site.. and no, am doing some crazy shit here.. so thats why 🙂 #
- 00:23 @harshadsharma : i know!! I just wish the mosquitoes would stop trying to kill me! #
- 00:33 @harshadsharma : dangness in its completeness… #
- 00:35 @preshit : all the best mate.. u should really be getting some sleep right abt now! #
- 01:07 @chetanthaker : u still online? you certainly are having a long day, like me! #
- 01:09 @chetanthaker : thts cool.. and yes, we know he is back.. uploaded ‘i am legend’ a few hours ago… how apt 🙂 #
- 01:11 @chetanthaker : Hitman? its a brillinant movie! i loved it #
- 01:13 hmmm… but i still liked what i saw! #
- 01:22 @chetanthaker : hav u played with WordPress? #
- 01:28 @chetanthaker : lol.. ok.. i hate the way it caches everything.. kinda annoying! #
- 01:29 @chetanthaker : yeah.. i was refering to WordPress… kinda zonked right now! #
- 01:33 @chetanthaker : nite dude! #
- 10:29 @baxiabhishek: Yahoo Pipes? I think there is a way to input OPML feeds into it #
- 11:07 Atif Aslam’s Pehli Nazar is a one hindi song I like after a long time! 🙂 #
- 11:14 @chetanthaker : congratulations man! #
- 12:58 (Not that u would but) Incase if u EVR feel the urge 2 listen 2 Radio Mirchi on the Web, go 2 tinyurl.com/2ocenc <tinyu … #
- 13:11 Got Rel WiMax yesterday… Now I have ‘Limited or no connectivity’ at home, better than no connectivity, me thinks #
- 13:31 @harshadsharma : *tips hat, thinks he should have a ‘donate if you like my tweets’ link on his homepage* #
- 13:31 @preshit : ah.. oh well! the good luck had to end sometime.. eh? #
- 13:34 @shahpriya: eeee… proprietory hardware used to make the phone modular? Doom to those idiots!!! Doom 3D even!!! #
- 13:35 @preshit : great.. just have to host the DB online now! #
- 13:36 @bombayaddict : I didnt know they were doing it at home.. I reach home at 2:30am and roomie gives me the good news.. #
- 15:26 Why does plain and simple chawal and dal have to cost 40 bucks? Curse capitalism… #
- 15:28 @shadyrocker : As rude as it may sound… I’m NOT! #
- 15:32 @shadyrocker: copy that #