- 11:01 @aalaap twitpic.com/edq <- Sweet.. the icing on the cake – or in this instance – the salt in the bottle, was all thanks to the … #
- 11:02 @bombayaddict twitpic.com/dxk <- Hahahaha… awesome! #
- 14:05 Getting some emails sorted and sent… #
- 14:07 @aDeSe God.. dont tell me you are another Seth Godin fan!!! @shahpriya keeps sharing all his posts in Google Reader! #
- 14:10 Stupid DropBox account wont be liked on this comp!! Grrr.. #
- 14:19 @shadez 🙂 #
- 14:51 @aDeSe that road is called national highway 4 #
- 15:53 @bcb6 i will be.. #
- 18:19 Today also am going out for dinner.. 😀 #
- 18:27 @preshit Good.. You missed out! Was home by 12:30 too 😀 #
- 18:29 @harshadsharma 650km?? overnight.. one word: allthebestmaygodhelpyou. #
- 18:34 w00t! finally got DropBox to link to my comp!!! #