- 09:43 Morning Tweople! #
- 09:48 @preshit 🙂 #
- 09:48 @shahpriya 🙂 #
- 09:51 Tweople.. is "The Big Bang Theory" really that good? 4 people have recommended it to me already.. should i watch? #
- 10:04 @preshit cool.. will start watching it from tomorrow 😉 #
- 10:12 @cruisemaniac Morning! #
- 10:12 @Kirti Morning! #
- 10:19 @Kirti Its hot! (and no, am not quoting Paris Hilton) #
- 10:43 @fredwilson twitpic.com/iy2 <- You have a Vespa? Wow… #
- 12:12 "Very happy in my heart, dil dance maare re" – song belting in the background. Grrr… #
- 12:53 @chhavi What makes u think i know where its from.. lol #
- 12:53 @aDeSe lol #
- 13:00 @unitechy watch movie 🙂 #
- 13:01 Everyone seems to be updating their posts today! #
- 15:22 @pajama tht’d be diplomatic then… #
- 16:33 tinyurl.com/6kpz92 #
- 19:50 @unitechy lol #
- 19:51 Home shweet home! #
- 20:02 Going to watch Horton.. water – check, buiscuits – check, read all mail – check, read all tweets – check, phone on charging – check… #
- 20:03 aaaaagh!! this is cam print!! I hates it.. :-\ #
- 20:04 @unitechy what ‘scenery’ are u referring to? #
- 22:50 @spanchangam very active on twitter you have been… #