Here’s a brief roundup on my activities:
Went to the Bike and Car Expo at BKC on Sunday with friends. It was fun to see all the pimped out cars and bikes there! Some of the dream cars like the Rolls Royce and BMW were also there; however, what stole the show for me was the Lamborghini Diablo SV. I seem to have a kinky fetish for the car right since my NFS 4 (Need for Speed) days 🙂 You can find all the snaps on my Picasa Web space.
Have gotten a ton of movies and quite a few TED documentaries (woot!) to watch so am covered on the boredom front this week. Today is my aunt’s birthday, so that warrants a family reunion. Going there in the evening after work. Will post details about it tomorrow.
What’s really got my kicking though is that Shruti is finally in town! And am meeting her (and hopefully Ku) tomorrow for dinner 🙂 It’s been a long time coming. Last when we met, we were walking down MG Road trying to piss Sru off!! Spoke to her yesterday and I have to agree with fatty, her PJ’s STILL suck.
I was reading the feeds in Google Reader and what I really hate about doing so in Opera is that when you have feeds with videos in them, the whole syntaxing crashes and the videos accumulate at the top of the window. Don’t know how to explain it, so just check the screeny below to see what I mean:
I hope Opera fix this long standing bug soon!
Gotta start getting software for the Jan CD/DVD, so am all ready to get my tin-foil hat on.